Thursday, February 25, 2010

Joe Wilson Hates Black People

These two articles banter back and forth about race and how important it is that no body allow their racist feelings to find its way into their speech. The articles use pretty much the exact same quotes and information to say relatively the same thing, politics, already disastrously slow and muddied is being dragged down to even slower murkier depths by the fact that now the president is black. People are having a field day relating everything they can to being race related now that there is racial diversity among America's long roster of presidents. The health care issue and Obama's lack of delivery on his promises of change and improvement are being blamed on his being of color rather than his inadequacies as a politician, and anyone who points out any of these faults is branded as a racist and an awful closed minded person. Personally I think that this great country wont go anywhere towards the necessary advancement needed to get America out of this economical slump. Obama chose a terrible time to become America's first black president, the pressure is on for him to remedy this situation, and either lead the populace to a bright future of racial harmony, or he'll fail and everyone will blame his blackness as a huge factor in his failures as a president and racism will be on the rise once again. The media won't help the situation in the slightest by pointing out every criticism as a racist remark and anyone delivering them as a bigot.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent post about your opinions regarding the subject, and you articulate them very well. What I was looking for, however, was more of an examination of how these two articles approached telling the news story; What did the articles want you to believe? What tactics did they employ to try to reel the reader in? Etc, etc. (You make some great points, however, about the pressure Obama faces...good job!)
